How did The Random Forest Algorithm work in Machine Learning?

Divakar Kumar
2 min readSep 30, 2021

Random Forest is another ensemble machine learning algorithm that follows the bagging technique. It is an extension of the bagging estimator algorithm. The base estimators in the random forest are decision trees. Unlike bagging meta estimator, random forest randomly selects a set of features that are used to decide the best split at each node of the decision tree.

Looking at it step-by-step, this is what a random forest model does:
1. Random subsets are created from the original dataset (bootstrapping).
2. At each node in the decision tree, only a random set of features are considered to decide the best split.
3. A decision tree model is fitted on each of the subsets.
4. The final prediction is calculated by averaging the predictions from all decision trees.

For example: consider the fruit basket as the data as shown in the figure below. Now n number of samples are taken from the fruit basket and an individual decision tree is constructed for each sample. Each decision tree will generate an output as shown in the figure. The final output is considered based on majority voting. In the below figure you can see that the majority decision tree gives output as an apple when compared to a banana, so the final output is taken as an apple.

The End

